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Here you get previous year papers, sample papers 2018, last year question papers, model papers 2018 . You can download these papers in pdf file. Also we are providing sample question papers according to semester, year, subject, degree and course wise.

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) participative management sem iv 253

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Participative management

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 335.60 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) participative management)sem iv 252

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Participative management

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 361.46 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) nutrition & health education public health nutrition -ii)sem iv 243

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Public health nutrition -ii

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 261.30 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) nutrition & health education public health nutrition -ii)sem iv242

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Public health nutrition -ii

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 249.95 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) mathmatics analytical geometry and applied algebra sem iv 241

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Analytical geometry and applied algebra

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 353.31 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) mathmatics analytical geometry and applied algebra sem iv 240

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Analytical geometry and applied algebra

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 379.32 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) linguistics discipline language interfaces sem iv 5633

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: language interfaces

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 113.03 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) insurance regulatory frameworh of insurance-ii sem iv 257

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Regulatory frameworh of insurance-ii

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 274.75 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog)ii(theory) study of indian music granthas and musicologist sem iv 239

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Study of indian music granthas and musicologist

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 326.83 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) history viii(in liue of mil)cultural transformation in early modern europe ii(c.1500 1800) sem iv 5601

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Cultural transformation in early modern europe ii(c.1500 1800)

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 624.23 KB