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Here you get previous year papers, sample papers 2018, last year question papers, model papers 2018 . You can download these papers in pdf file. Also we are providing sample question papers according to semester, year, subject, degree and course wise.

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) political science duscipline comparative government and politics sem iv 5639

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Comparative government and politics

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 353.37 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) psychology discipline psychological distress and well -being sem iv 5641

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Psychological distress and well -bein

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 344.40 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) political science discipline comparative government and politics sem iv 5640

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Comparative government and politics

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 313.29 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) political science (in lieu of mil )comparative government and polities sem iv 5604

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Comparative government and polities

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 331.29 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) philosophy ethics theory and practice (inliue of mil) sem iv 5603

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: ethics theory and practice (inliue of mil)

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 292.51 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) physical edication foundation of physical education posture sports medicine and first aid)sem iv 245

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Foundation of physical education posture sports medicine and first aid

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 275.46 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) philosophy discipline ethics theoty and practice-ii sem 5638

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Ethics theoty and practice

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 302.23 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog)persian(in lieu of mil) persian poetry sem iv 636

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Persian poetry

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 446.12 KB

January 16, 2018

b.a(prog) philiosophy discipline ethies theory and practice -ii sem iv 5637

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Ethies theory and practice -ii

Year: 2nd Year (2015)
Size: 308.13 KB