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Here you get previous year papers, sample papers 2018, last year question papers, model papers 2018 . You can download these papers in pdf file. Also we are providing sample question papers according to semester, year, subject, degree and course wise.

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Globalization-I sem-V(5295)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Globalization-I

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 113.65 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Germen Discipline Study of Language, Culture & Literture sem-V(502)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Study of Language, Culture & Literture

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 89.29 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) French Discipline PaperV- Study of the Language, Culture, Culture and Literature sem-V(501)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Study of the Language, Culture, Culture and Literature

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 100.04 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Evolution of policy and institutional Framework sem-V(5289)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Evolution of policy and institutional Framework

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 118.05 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) EntrePreneurship and Small Business 4(a) - Evolution of Policy and Institutional Framework sem-V(5262)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Evolution of Policy and Institutional Framework

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 125.36 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Bengali Discipline Prose - Fiction & Non-Fiction sem-V(479)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Prose - Fiction & Non-Fiction

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 64.64 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Bengali-A Journalistic Writing and Translation sem-V(432)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Journalistic Writing and Translation

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 41.35 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Bengali-A Journalistic Writing and Translation sem-V(430)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Journalistic Writing and Translation

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 49.21 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Arabic -Discipline Course Text (Prose and Poetry), Grammar and Transiation sem-V(478)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Text (Prose and Poetry), Grammar and Transiation

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 73.89 KB

January 21, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Applications Course Creative Writing (Hindi) sem-V(402)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Creative Writing (Hindi)

Year: 3nd Year (2013)
Size: 75.69 KB