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Here you get previous year papers, sample papers 2018, last year question papers, model papers 2018 . You can download these papers in pdf file. Also we are providing sample question papers according to semester, year, subject, degree and course wise.

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) bangali discipline titerature in translation sem vi 5713

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Literature in translation

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 159.68 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) arabic discipline text(prose & poetry), grammar & composition sem vi 5711

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Text(prose & poetry), grammar & composition

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 421.42 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog)arabic(inlieu of language) tex grammer and translation sem vi 5699

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Tax grammer and translation

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 348.96 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) application course voluntary organisations-ii sem vi 5675

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: voluntary organisations-ii

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 275.58 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) application course traslation and lnterpreting -english -hindi-english-ii sem vi 5673

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Traslation and lnterpreting -english -hindi

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 1.12 MB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog)application course tourism ii sem vi 319

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Tourism ii

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 444.13 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) application course theatre and performane-ii sem vi 5672

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Theatre and performane-ii

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 143.65 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog)application course tax management sem vi 318

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Tax managemen

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 357.10 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) application course mass communication-ii sem vi 5671

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Mass communication-ii

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 685.53 KB

January 24, 2018

b.a(prog) application course life crisis coping and evolving -ii sem vi 5670

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Life crisis coping and evolving -ii

Year: 3nd Year (2015)
Size: 327.00 KB