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Here you get previous year papers, sample papers 2018, last year question papers, model papers 2018 . You can download these papers in pdf file. Also we are providing sample question papers according to semester, year, subject, degree and course wise.

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Programme) History Discipline History of India from the Earliest Times upto 300 CE SEM -I (3731)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: History of India from the Earliest Times upto 300 CE

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 100.42 KB

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Programme) History Discipline , History of India from the Earliest Tinies upto 300 CE SEM-I (3732).

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: History of India from the Earliest Tinies upto 300 CE

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 110.55 KB

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Programme) English Discipline Individual and Society sem -I (3726)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Individual and Society

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 150.50 KB

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Programme) English Discipline Individual and Society SEM-I (3725)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Individual and Society

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 130.55 KB

January 26, 2018

B. A. (Prog.) Tamil Discipline Tamil Oral Traditions Folk-Tales, Songs & Myths SEM-I (3747)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Oral Traditions Folk-Tales, Songs & Myths

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 26.57 KB

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Hindi Discipline Hindi Bhasha aur Sahitya Ira' Itihaas SEM -I (3730)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Hindi Bhasha aur Sahitya Ira' Itihaas

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 69.71 KB

January 26, 2018

B. A. (Prog.) German Discipline Study of the Language-I SEM-I (3753)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Study of the Language-I (German)

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 85.12 KB

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) Geography Discipline Physical Geography sem -I (3727)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Physical Geography

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 108.60 KB

January 26, 2018

B.A. (Prog.) French Discipline Study of Language-I SEM I (3752)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Study of Language-I (French)

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 150.35 KB

January 26, 2018

B. A. (Prog.) Buddhist Study Discipline Theravada Buddhism It's Beginning & Continuity SEM -I (3724)

Degree: B.A.
Course: -
Subject: Theravada Buddhism It's Beginning & Continuity

Year: 1st Year (2015)
Size: 45.42 KB